- 奉獻港幣100元或以上,可憑本會收據申請稅項寬減 | Donations of HKD100 or above are tax-deductible in HK with our receipts
- 定期以自動轉賬捐款者的年度收據,將於每年四月寄奉 | For regular donations by autopay, an annual receipt will be issued every April
一次過奉獻 | One-off GIFT

我願意獻上一次過捐款 | I would like to make an one-off GIFT
上述款項用於下列事工 | The above gift to support the item below
需要郵寄免稅收據 | Do you need a tax deduction receipt?
特定項目 | Designated Project
每月捐款 | Monthly GIFT

我願意獻上每月定額捐款 | I would like to make a monthly GIFT
上述款項用於下列事工 | The above gift to support the item below
需要郵寄免稅收據 | Do you need a tax refund receipt?
特定項目 | Designated Project